
Massive congratulations are most definitely in order for a group of dedicated BH Frontrunners who completed the Run to the Sea ultra marathon that took place last weekend on the 5th June. The course is a hilly trail run through the Sussex countryside and the runners courageously braved some hot and sweaty summer conditions. Well done to Rob Graham, Claire Alleguen, Brett Massey, Matt Roff, James Smith, Sonia, Damian Brewer and Zohre Ashraf who all completed the 50km distance in some superb times.

Not only that, but Claire and Rob finished 1st in their respective age categories! What a fantastic effort all round – do check out all of their official times here. We’ll also be posting a race report from one of the team very soon too, so watch this space.

The afternoon finished with some well deserved drinks and food. Well done Frontrunners ultra team – you are awesome!