Tell us a bit about yourself, how long have you been in Brighton and what do you like about living here?
I’m a newbie to Brighton; my husband and I moved down from London at the end of June. We had looked into coming here in 2019, but ultimately decided the commute was too much on a daily basis. Covid has changed all that, and we can reduce the commute to 2-3 days, so we’re really enjoying living by the sea and a change of pace!
How long have you been running, and what is it about running that you enjoy?
I’ve been running about 20 years. I wasn’t very good at sport at school, but in 2001 I moved to New York for work. At first I lived up near the reservoir in Central Park, which is quite an iconic running track, so I thought I’d give it a go. Since then I love it; it’s an easy way to exercise, explore new places and clear my head.
What made you decide to join Frontrunners and how did you hear about the club?
I was looking for ways to meet LGBTQ people in Brighton, as we’re new to the area, and I’d heard about BHFR, having run with the London Frontrunners a few times. So I googled the club, came along one Wednesday, and here I am!
Have you run any races before? Have you signed up for any upcoming events and what are your goals?
I’ve run one marathon, back in New York in 2005, which was a struggle (and I’m in awe of all of you who just completed Brighton). Since then I’ve run about 20 half-marathons and lots of 10ks. I love a half, as it is far enough to be a challenge but manageable! Pre-covid, my husband and I enjoyed signing up to races abroad and using them as a fun way of sight-seeing, a highlight being the Pyongyang half in North Korea in 2019.
I’m doing the Cambridge half in a few weeks and my goal will just be to enjoy it, as I’m still trying to shake off the covid pounds! I used to dream of coming in under 1H30 for a half, but I never managed it, closest being 1H32 back in 2013, and I was younger and lighter then😊
How did the COVID-19 lockdowns affect you and your motivation to run?
I was very lucky in that I could work from home through COVID. With gyms being closed, running became even more important so I’ve been continuing my old habits of 2-3 long runs a week. It was really surreal back in April 2020 being able to run down Regent Street with no traffic or people! It was also so important to make the most of time outside for exercise, so I looked forward to my runs even more.
Why do you enjoy being a Frontrunner?
Being new to Brighton, it’s been a really nice way to get to know new people after only a few weeks here, and to see the support and encouragement everyone has for each other. It’s clear as a newbie how much love there is in the group, and that’s so lovely to witness.