Tell us a bit about yourself, how long have you been in Brighton and what do you like about living here?
I currently live in Littlehampton and I moved down to the South East Coast two years ago after living in London for 20 years. I love Brighton and think it is fantastic city, I like the cosmopolitan vibe and the laid-back feel to the city.
How long have you been running, and what is it about running that you enjoy?
I have been running for years, probably about 35 years in total. I started off running at school on track and cross country and have always enjoyed it. As a kid I was also good at it, which really helped 😊. I enjoy running because you can do it pretty much anywhere you go and compared to a lot of sports it is relatively inexpensive. I also like the benefits it has on your physical and emotional wellbeing.
What made you decide to join Frontrunners and how did you hear about the club?
I decided to join Frontrunners because I wanted to be part of a LBGTQIA+ club and meet more people from the community. I found the club by doing a google search and the looked at the groups Facebook page. Equally the club was very warm and welcoming, which also helped my decision to join.
Have you run any races before? Have you signed up for any upcoming events and what are your goals?
I have run countless events from Edinburgh Marathon to 10k races in Littlehampton. I have a few upcoming events, Littlehampton 10k, Brighton Marathon weekend 10k, Pride Run 10k. I am also volunteering with St John Ambulance at London Marathon.
How did the COVID-19 lockdowns affect you and your motivation to run?
In the first lockdown I stopped running for a while and concentrated on weight and resistance training. It was not until after the seconded lockdown I really started to get back involved with running. I think during lockdown I was enjoying the online side of training.
Why do you enjoy being a Frontrunner?
I love being part of an inclusive group that are warm and welcoming to everyone. It also nice to feel that you are in safe LGBTQ+ environment.